Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! 2007 is all bright and shiny and I'm pretty excited to see where it takes us. I already feel like Team Hyperboles is one up from last year, because JB and I are actually in the same state, and this should be the first full calendar year that we'll be living together since well, ever. Woo!

I am busy shredding old docs and clearing out the filing cabinet. JB has just taken down the Christmas lights, and mopped the kitchen floor. There's laundry spinning in the washer and dryer and we are pretty much just being busy bees. We should run out of productivity juice just in time to go back to work tomorrow. Perfect.

We just ordered pizza from Papa Johns (Spinach, Tomato, Alfredo, yum!) What a great way to start out the new year!

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