Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Is there a 12 step program for that?

We just watched "Thank You For Smoking" and maybe I'm just tired, but I didn't think it was as great as everyone said it was going to be. Everyone being the average Netflix rating and my younger brother. Perhaps I should have done more research. The bonus is that I get to send it right back in the mail.

I woke up hungry today. That's probably one of the top three worst ways to wake up. I know that I have nothing on the people in Somalia, but still, I didn't like it.

One of our new family members, Sunita, (Suni for short) has developed a startling addiction to sucking on flesh. She knows that she won't get sustenance this way, and she's even got a little belly from her kitten food. But that doesn't stop her from sitting on my arm and trying to suck on my fingers. While I'm typing. Right now.

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