Saturday, January 13, 2007

"Oh what a family"

I finished moving into my very first official office yesterday. I'm pretty excited about having a small place from which to work, with an actual ceiling, and four real walls, and yes, even a window. I may not make the move from this office to another one when the company I work moves to another state, but at least I can enjoy this one while I have it.

There are times where I hate planning to do things in the morning with my brothers, because they never get up in time. We talked last night at about 10pm, and I said, "Hey, be here by 6:30 OK? Then we can leave by 7:00." I made sure to get a verbal agreement. I also made sure that the brother I was talking to gave the information to our other brother.* I heard the information exchanged. I extracted another verbal agreement from my other brother. Then, I went to bed. Yet here am, at 7:04, and I just got the second phone call assuring me that they're on their way. They called from their house. We are now late. Not that I'm particularly upset about being late to where we're going, but because I'm sleep deprived and I wanted to get some coffee before we left. And now, I don't know if that's going to happen, all because they refuse to wake up when one of their 5 alarms go off.

This is surprisingly hard to accomplish because even though they live together, they act like they're moving the Taj Mahal for you if you ask one to go across the house and hand the phone to the other. "Hey, let me talk to your brother." ". . . . . . Why?" "Because I need to talk to him. Just give him the phone." "I'll just tell him what you want me to tell him." "Yeah, because that works so great all of the time. Give him the phone." " . . . . . . . (huge sigh) Fine." And then whoever I'm talking to starts yelling across the house for the other one.

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