Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Smack that

Ugh seriously, I hate that Akon song. But I like his new contribution with Gwen Stefani. What's a girl to do with Itunes?

Eat Our Wednesday did not go into effect because my company ordered food for everyone from this Italian place. This did not bode well for me. I have a hard time with buffet style eating, because people are germy and gross. No offense to you, but as a rule, other people's germs are more grosser than my own self made germs. And . . . more people skip the washing hands part of the bathroom experience than you think. Double and . . . there are people who cough on their hands and then have no problem breaking bread. I could go on and on and on. Ultimately though, it all leads to the same place. I didn't eat the lunch provided by my company because I couldn't make it downstairs in time to get to the food before it got all manhandled. So while yes, I ate out rather than bringing my lunch, I ate out alone. Without my work friend, SF. And it was a little sad.

I have 4 days until the marathon. I am nervous.

Talladega Nights? I vote no. Unless there's nothing else on, and you're faced with watching this movie, or say, trimming the shrubs outside.

Still haven't purchased a TiVo and I'm wondering if that's a mistake. Or perhaps, I only theoretically want one, rather than really want one.

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