Thursday, January 18, 2007

My fingers have just thawed.

I'm supposed to be in Houston. But I'm not. I'm here! In my normal state! (Well, normal is a relative term, yes?) When I attempted to fly out yesterday, the ice storms in Houston stopped me. This meant that packing adult clothes and choosing an adult outfit to wear the night before, getting up at four am, leaving the house at five am, driving to the airport, going through security, shoving my quart size ziploc bag of liquids in TSA's face, taking my shoes off, taking my laptop out, consequently almost leaving my laptop behind by forgetting to shove it through the machine, putting my shoes back on, putting my laptop away, putting my liquids away (with one last shake in TSA's face), buying a Cinnabon and orange juice (requisite flying food, as everyone knows), eating said Cinnabon and drinking said orange juice, and sitting for two hours in Southwest's terminal were a complete waste of time.

Ice storms suck, at least I wasn't there for it. But, I get to rinse and repeat the above activities next week.

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