Saturday, January 06, 2007

"It's very elegant. Very sophisticated." And more expensive than your car.

Today was the big wedding expo downtown and I was there. It was the strangest thing ever, and more of an endurance event than I had thought. There were approximately 5,382,764 people there, and 80% of them were women. Most of them were in groups (as were we) composed of one bride (denoted by name tag) and 3 or 4 other women. We were herded through the civic center through aisles and aisles of booths where people in the industry were pushing their wares. Caterers, photographers, videographers, resorts, florists, sex toy shops, invitation makers, wedding planners and all of the rest of ilk. There were also a ton of dressmakers, dress shops, and dresses. Oh yeah, and some menswear too. Altogether, I wasn't impressed. The hour long fashion show was pretty cool. There was this one model who obviously thought that she was shit. She kept twirling around the stage, and holding her dresses up in such an odd way that it made them look bad, and her look even weirder than she would have before the dress holding. And there was this little girl who kept modeling flower girl dresses, and the entire audience oohed and aahed over her every time she came out. I wanted to scream, "Can't you see this is how that one self absorbed woman started thinking that she was most important thing ever!? She probably modeled as a child and never found self worth anywhere else!"

But hey, you know, it wasn't my thing. Or my world. So again, who am I to scream judgements from my chair?

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