Sunday, November 19, 2006

What's the mileage on these babies?

I ran 8 miles today. That in and of itself isn't really a super achievement for my body. However, these particular 8 miles were following the 10 I did yesterday. That is 18 miles in one weekend. And I'm conscious right now. So . . . that's good.

I ran 32 miles this week. (6, then 8, then 10, then 8) That's probably the most I've ever run in one week ever. I have some blisters and some chafing, but I'm going to live.

While running, I sometimes check out for a mile or so. I have an awesome running partner in The Mom, but we have spent the majority of our runs this year not talking. Because we are not talking, I am free to let my mind wander while my body roams. And every once in awhile, it comes back, and sees that my body has made another couple miles of progress while it was out. Today was not one of those days. My mind was present for every single mile. The problem with this is that running is best not overthought. When it's overthought it becomes a burden, a weight that will drag down my legs and hurt my form.

I ran 8 miles today. I think I'm going to take a nap.

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