Friday, November 24, 2006

Embarrassing Moments

Great idea from M. Kennedy.

Times that it sucked to be me.

  1. When I lied to my little brother when we were (much) younger, and then he found out. I went from cool older sister to betrayer in a few short words.
  2. When I let that witch, L, get to me in Virginia and I broke down at work. She will forever be a witch, and if I ever see her again in a non-work atmosphere (highly unlikely now that I'm across the country), I'm going to beat her down like she deserves.
  3. The other day when I hung up with AT, and felt like, all of a sudden, he may not like me anymore because I'm a bit boring.
  4. Again the other day, but another other day, when one of my new bosses asked me to go to lunch on the company so we could talk about some of the tech plans we had, and I invited my work friend because that's just what I normally do for lunch. Totally professional I am not.
  5. Anytime I have tried to talk and have gotten so excited about what I'm saying that the words just get stuck at the opening of my mouth, and nothing comes out right so I sound like a nattering idiot. (Illustration below) (I have no ears because I don't know how to draw ears.)

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