Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving some thanks

I am thankful for . . .

  1. My health
  2. Being marred to JB
  3. Being home, with my family
  4. My little furry dogs
  5. Our beautiful cozy home
  6. AT
  7. KV
  8. SF
  9. The presence of happiness in our life
  10. Having a job that is (now) letting me grow a little
  11. Being able to go to school, and being so close to done.
  12. AZ sunrises
  13. AZ sunsets
  14. AZ winters (Hello 80 degree Thanksgiving!)
  15. My awesome running shorts
  16. Twizzlers twerps
  17. Barnes and Noble
  18. Karmel Sutra Ice cream
  19. The flowers in my backyard
  20. Netflix

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