Thursday, November 30, 2006

Note to Self

Find a suitable (preferably non-violent) (actually, preferably violent, but really it needs to be nonviolent) response, retort, comeback, reply, rejoinder, reaction, riposte for when the Big Chauvinist calls me Young Lady again.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Twinkle twinkle little stars . . .

Can I just say that one of my favorite parts about this time of year is the Christmas lights that people put up? To me, a house with Christmas lights means that whoever lives inside has a little bit of heart. (I would like to take a moment to point out that the known wife beater in our neighborhood does not have lights up. Thus, the results of my less than scientific study.) This is the first year that we've had a house to put Christmas lights on, and I'm super stoked about that. We put them up today, and even thought they are the kind of small lights, I think that they're beautiful. Beautimous even.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Found and true . . .

"I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman." - Anais Nin

Embarrassing Moments

Great idea from M. Kennedy.

Times that it sucked to be me.

  1. When I lied to my little brother when we were (much) younger, and then he found out. I went from cool older sister to betrayer in a few short words.
  2. When I let that witch, L, get to me in Virginia and I broke down at work. She will forever be a witch, and if I ever see her again in a non-work atmosphere (highly unlikely now that I'm across the country), I'm going to beat her down like she deserves.
  3. The other day when I hung up with AT, and felt like, all of a sudden, he may not like me anymore because I'm a bit boring.
  4. Again the other day, but another other day, when one of my new bosses asked me to go to lunch on the company so we could talk about some of the tech plans we had, and I invited my work friend because that's just what I normally do for lunch. Totally professional I am not.
  5. Anytime I have tried to talk and have gotten so excited about what I'm saying that the words just get stuck at the opening of my mouth, and nothing comes out right so I sound like a nattering idiot. (Illustration below) (I have no ears because I don't know how to draw ears.)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Giving some thanks

I am thankful for . . .

  1. My health
  2. Being marred to JB
  3. Being home, with my family
  4. My little furry dogs
  5. Our beautiful cozy home
  6. AT
  7. KV
  8. SF
  9. The presence of happiness in our life
  10. Having a job that is (now) letting me grow a little
  11. Being able to go to school, and being so close to done.
  12. AZ sunrises
  13. AZ sunsets
  14. AZ winters (Hello 80 degree Thanksgiving!)
  15. My awesome running shorts
  16. Twizzlers twerps
  17. Barnes and Noble
  18. Karmel Sutra Ice cream
  19. The flowers in my backyard
  20. Netflix

Sunday, November 19, 2006

What's the mileage on these babies?

I ran 8 miles today. That in and of itself isn't really a super achievement for my body. However, these particular 8 miles were following the 10 I did yesterday. That is 18 miles in one weekend. And I'm conscious right now. So . . . that's good.

I ran 32 miles this week. (6, then 8, then 10, then 8) That's probably the most I've ever run in one week ever. I have some blisters and some chafing, but I'm going to live.

While running, I sometimes check out for a mile or so. I have an awesome running partner in The Mom, but we have spent the majority of our runs this year not talking. Because we are not talking, I am free to let my mind wander while my body roams. And every once in awhile, it comes back, and sees that my body has made another couple miles of progress while it was out. Today was not one of those days. My mind was present for every single mile. The problem with this is that running is best not overthought. When it's overthought it becomes a burden, a weight that will drag down my legs and hurt my form.

I ran 8 miles today. I think I'm going to take a nap.

This accounts for the sinking feeling I had earlier this year . . .

Via the Daily Kos.

Below, a transcript from an ABC interview with John McCain, who may very well be running for pres in 2008. Go here to see the post from Think Progress, which has the video.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me ask one question about abortion. Then I want to turn to Iraq. You’re for a constitutional amendment banning abortion, with some exceptions for life and rape and incest.

MCCAIN: Rape, incest and the life of the mother. Yes.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So is President Bush, yet that hasn’t advanced in the six years he’s been in office. What are you going to do to advance a constitutional amendment that President Bush hasn’t done?

MCCAIN: I don’t think a constitutional amendment is probably going to take place, but I do believe that it’s very likely or possible that the Supreme Court should — could overturn Roe v. Wade, which would then return these decisions to the states, which I support.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And you’d be for that?

MCCAIN: Yes, because I’m a federalist. Just as I believe that the issue of gay marriage should be decided by the states, so do I believe that we would be better off by having Roe v. Wade return to the states. And I don’t believe the Supreme Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade.

(Emphasis added.)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Felons and Votings

I just read this totally interesting article in Time (online of course, and I apologize because I don't have the time to find it again to link) about felons and voting. Apparently there are states where you're banned from voting for forever if you commit a felony. Part of me is like, "OK, that makes sense. Who wants criminals running part of the system?" But, this article goes on to state that there are (for example) people who've written bad checks, agreed to pay them, but have still been convicted of a felonious crime and are unable to vote because of some additions to this particular state's constitutional list of felonies. This makes me think that I was initially wrong. The article ends up by saying the criminals that have served their time in jail and paid their debt to society should not only be allowed to vote, that they should be required to vote.

After thinking about this for awhile, I think that it would push more people to the polls as well. Because . . . who would want a bunch of criminals to run part of the system?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Because it wasn't like I'm ever on time

My God. Why do I do this? Why, when running precisely 3 minutes ahead of schedule do I decide, "Yeah, maybe I need to update ITunes like the prompt says." Even though I know that doing so will then make me half an hour late for work. I am an idiot. And here I am, "Validating Install."

I don't want to alarm anyone, but it is now the first day of November. As in, second to last month of the entire year November. As in, Christmas is coming you fools and you better be prepared. As in, where the hell did the year go?

"Registering Modules"

Today when grabbing my lunch out of the fridge, I noticed that JB had somehow snuck a disgusting confection of German Chocolate cake into our house without me noticing, so that I could remind him yet again that German Chocolate cake is gross, (imagine why he didn't tell me about it now). It was sitting in the fridge calmly, but what was most peculiar was that there was a fork on top of it. Like it needed to be refrigerated as well, for the German Chocolate experience to be good. Or perhaps we were running out of forks and I had no idea. Or maybe there was something particular about the mixture of this fork and German Chocolate cake that made it divine. Either way, it's strange. And now the fork is in the dishwasher, because I can't abide by my flatware kicking it with the wrong crowd.

"Click Finish to end the Installer"