Monday, July 07, 2008

Here's the thing

  1. Some people don't look good in heavy makeup. Actually, I think most people don't look good in heavy makeup. Why does no one tell them this? Some people actually look better in no makeup. If you know one of these unfortunates, and they trust you, please, help them out.
  2. Studying is hard yo. No seriously, it's hard. I was reading this editorial in the paper on Sunday that was suggesting that we do open book testing. Their argument was based on the idea that knowing where to find the information is better than actually having meaningless information memorized. I see this logic as logical until we get to med school. "Wait, where's a good vein again? Let me Google that."
  3. Everything I hate about Itunes has reared its ugly head.
  4. Do you ever try to turn its in to a contraction, even though it's not supposed to be? I try to make its all possessive, like "it's hair", or "it's ugly head". Come on, I'm a college graduate for cryin' out loud! (Fer cryin' out loud? Fur cryin' out loud? Who would say, "For crying under your breath!" Is that an acceptable alternative?)
  5. I am freaked out by the weird people I work with. Actually, it's more like work around, right now. A significant percentage of them are huggers. That is not cool with me. Additionally, it is common to invite the whole office to your wedding. I don't even know what to do, I'm so conflicted. Weddings? They seem intimate, and let's be honest, I feel like I'm too new in your life to know you that well. But . . . I love a party where people are in a good mood! (Gued mued? Gud Mud? Who goes to a party where people are in a bad mood? Maybe an emo party? Or some sort of cry it out festival?)
  6. So, I have decided that after being married for 7 years that I want to go back to my birth name. JB has said (roughly paraphrasing) "Why stop there? Let's get divorced! But stay together!" Do I take the challenge? It kind of feels like a glove being thrown down, no? But it's all in good faith, not hostility. But still . . . .
  7. I like sharp cheddar cheese. Please don't tell anyone, because it makes me feel tawdry and small. I don't know anything about cheeses, I've never had gouda or the like. However, I do love the Tillamook sharp cheddar cheese. A lot.

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