Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Stage

As of Friday evening, I removed my tongue piercing. It was bothering me, and I took it out because I was frustrated, and because I didn't feel immediately naked and awkward without it, I left it out.

Now it is too late to put it back in. If I want to wear one now, I will have to get it re-pierced. I am a little sad, it's a big change for me after 9 years, but it's probably time. I'm not as sad as I could be, and am mostly over it. It was a conscious decision to make a change, move into a new stage. It may not mean much to most people, but it means something to me. It changes how I eat, what I do when I'm thinking or bored, even how I make out with JB.

Mostly I wonder if, in five years, the sixteen year old in my will recognize myself. Or, will she bang on the inside of my eyeballs and scream, "Hey, let me out of here!"

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