Thursday, February 01, 2007

Reminder: Reapply for Federal Student Aid

First, it's tax season again. Woha, every year it takes me by surprise. I shake my head and ask, "Really? We're here again?" Hopefully my good buddy AT won't let me down and file early this year, thereby depriving me of the chuckle I get when he waits to the last minute.

The superbowl is this Sunday. It's a football sport. I think the Bears and the Colts are playing. JB told me yesterday that this is the first superbowl that he will be home for (and we will be together, in the same state) in 5 years. This is significant. We don't really even like football.

My nose is dripping and it's disgusting. JB got me sick. Now we're both sick, pathetically wandering around our house coughing and then saying "ow". I haven't been this sick in awhile. I'm thinking that I was vulnerable because of the marathon. Lesson learned.

Today I'm interviewing somebody at the job. First time ever. We'll see how it goes.

At least it's Thursday. I'm hoping to feel better enough to run on Saturday.

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