Monday, February 19, 2007

"I like to move it move it!"

I like symmetry. It appeals to me. I try not to let my OCD control my life, but the symmetry is so . . . soothing sometimes. Having two pieces of gum for the two sides of my mouth. Even numbers of steps in between cracks on the sidewalk. Having two male dogs and two female cats. Symmetry.

I need some crackers.

I should tell you that I have made steps to reducing my pack rat tendency and under garments. Upon purchasing two new bras, I came home and cleared out most of my old bras. The water bra that I haven't worn since my boobs filled out . . . gone. The red bra that never stayed in one place . . . gone. The sexy lacy bra that was so uncomfortable that I never made it more than 4 hours in it . . . gone. And now I feel much better.

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