Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Cough cough hack hack. I am such a sad sack.

Still sick. Still not really able to talk. Still pissed about not being able to run for fear of making me more sick, and thereby delaying more running. I am sad. :( See, the sad face confirms it. No one types a sad face unless they mean it.

So, I'm in these three classes, and it's a lot of work. I mean, a lot of work. As in, I don't have time for this because I would rather focus on what's going on in the real world. You know, the world where I get paid for my work. Not the one where I'm paying for the pleasure of doing work. Wait, am I missing the point of college? Where are my spring breaks and college keggers?

I got an advert in the mail today for graduation announcements. Don't tell anybody. I haven't decided if I'm going to do that yet, or keep it to myself. I don't really have extended family or anybody other than the immediate people who already know that I'm going to college to tell. So, I guess it would be a waste. But, the embossed sample that they sent was pretty nice. Embossing is classy. And as we all know, I am a classy lady. No, that's not true. But I still want something embossed. Just you know, something.

So I'm here, and I'm sick. And I need to double my workforce at the job. And that also means managing double the work load for said work force. Not too huge, but huge enough. And I'm excited about it a little, because I'm sick. Not the sick I was talking about earlier, but more like sick in the head. I am not a work horse, but man do I love to get crap done.

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