Sunday, June 22, 2008

Commitment Issues

Dude, it's clear that I have commitment issues. I cannot even keep my shit together for more than a month at a time. Somewhere in between the trip to Washington and back to Arizona I lost all of the organizational skills that I used to pride myself on.

Here's the latest;

  • Completed New York. Felt like I was going to die and it took everything in me to finish.
  • Still running and am now swimming two or three times a week. OK, really two times a week. OK, really at least once a week.
  • Started a new job. Woah.
  • Started the process of getting my PMP. Woah.
  • We are in the new house and it's really fucking expensive to have two houses. I don't know if you knew that, but if you didn't, you heard it here first.
  • Being part of a family is hard.
  • Because we are irresponsible and terrible people, we have decided to maybe possibly think about having a baby. So that's half a step past the negotiations that we've been having for the last 7 years. Keep tuned in for the next 3 years, because my god! We might actually do something about it!
  • Both brothers have girlfriends and have had them for awhile. I'm still coping.
  • I'm down to one brother within 25 miles and a little sad about it.
  • I have discovered a love for turkey hot dogs that I never knew I had. Please don't tell Hippy, my new vegetarian and fuzzy feeling friend.
  • Also new to the friends list, Fitz. He's pretty much awesome too.

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