Monday, June 30, 2008

What Reunion?

AT: did you spend the night or drove back?
Hyperboles: We stayed the night
AT: so nice getaway weekend
Hyperboles: Just a quick one
Hyperboles: It's all part of operation act 25
AT: no idea
Hyperboles: My latest scheme is called Operation Act 25
Hyperboles: for Team Hyperboles\
AT: ahh :)
AT: cool
AT: and here I was wondering why nothing came up on google :)
Hyperboles: lol
AT: wondering when you got so underground :)
Hyperboles: I stay true to my junk pop 40 self
Hyperboles: OMG, JBtotally busted my work face when he came up and met the two developers that I work with
AT: oh?
Hyperboles: They thought I was all cool, and he lets it slip that I have a Justin Timberlake album
AT: hahaha
Hyperboles: and I'm like, "Goddamn't! Keep that shit to yourself!"
AT: have you got the new kids on the block single?
Hyperboles: No
Hyperboles: I never hit that phase
AT: phew

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hans Zimmer's song lives in my head

Today was a better day, I think. I say I think because who knows? They're still some time before bed. I got some shit done, had some laughs, made some other people laugh.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The desert's middle fingers

I have this theory. I think that it's so fucking hot in the desert that the saguaro cacti (yeah, I said it) are just flipping us off out of spite. "Look at me with my juicy wet cactus insides! Stupid meatbag! Bwahahaha" That's probably why there aren't any saguaro anywhere else in the world. Yep, just us and our bitter plants.

I made it through today and only wanted to cry once. Somewhere I lost the ability to suck it up like an adult and piece it back out to the world.

God help me, everyone I know is pregnant or just had a baby. What the fuck.

My lower legs are sore. Thus I need new running shoes. And boo!

We are going to see Mike Ness this weekend. This is a spur of the moment, we are in our twenties decision. The 80 year old in me is questioning why. Shut up granny! We are living here!

It's normal to question every decision in the last 6 years, right?

Why do I pay for music still? Am I a sucka? Or, a person with integrity?

Smaller Carbon Footprint?

Um, will someone please find a significant reason as to why I cannot work from home in my robe most days? Not all days, mind you, but just most days? I'm pretty sure it's more green.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Commitment Issues

Dude, it's clear that I have commitment issues. I cannot even keep my shit together for more than a month at a time. Somewhere in between the trip to Washington and back to Arizona I lost all of the organizational skills that I used to pride myself on.

Here's the latest;

  • Completed New York. Felt like I was going to die and it took everything in me to finish.
  • Still running and am now swimming two or three times a week. OK, really two times a week. OK, really at least once a week.
  • Started a new job. Woah.
  • Started the process of getting my PMP. Woah.
  • We are in the new house and it's really fucking expensive to have two houses. I don't know if you knew that, but if you didn't, you heard it here first.
  • Being part of a family is hard.
  • Because we are irresponsible and terrible people, we have decided to maybe possibly think about having a baby. So that's half a step past the negotiations that we've been having for the last 7 years. Keep tuned in for the next 3 years, because my god! We might actually do something about it!
  • Both brothers have girlfriends and have had them for awhile. I'm still coping.
  • I'm down to one brother within 25 miles and a little sad about it.
  • I have discovered a love for turkey hot dogs that I never knew I had. Please don't tell Hippy, my new vegetarian and fuzzy feeling friend.
  • Also new to the friends list, Fitz. He's pretty much awesome too.