Monday, December 11, 2006

Waiting and waiting and waiting

Good morning! I could have gotten up at 5 am today, because I was already up and walking around, but I decided to cuddle with my husband. I wonder if his semi-conscious self even benefits from early morning cuddles, or if he's just sleeping and I'm putting more meaning into it than there really is.

There is a little more than a month left until the marathon. I am beat up and sore right now. I've got some chafing issues from my sports bra. I think that the blisters that turned into callouses on my feet will probably never go away. Let me tell you, running is hawt. No, that's a lie. Please don't believe it. Other wise you too could end up 6 miles away from your home on the side of a canal with the only means of getting back home being your feet and legs which have already done 30+ miles that week and are really truly done with it all. Oh, I kid. I like the running. I like the training I'm doing right now. I'm just feeling a little under the weather.

Finals are over and I'm waiting for my grades, so I can submit the remainder of my tuition reimbursement request. (After finding out that my books are going to be $500 next semester, I need it yesterday) This is the first semester in awhile where I really don't know what direction my teachers are going to go in as far as my grades. I've got one teacher that I think (think, not know, because he never made it clear) has given me 100% on every assignment just for turning it in. And then the other teacher would let me have a C if I "only" score an 85% in the class. So we'll see how that goes.

Christmas time is here, and I've been listening to carols and getting into the spirit. Funds have been lacking so we're doing things a little differently this year, but I think it's going to be a good Christmas anyway. We're home, and JB's not out to sea and we're in our home, and all of that good stuff. I'm hoping that we have a smooth transition into the New Year too, because I think that next year is going to be even more fun than this year. Here is a picture of the KZ, excited.

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