Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Who's running over an hour late?

Why is it that when you oversleep that's when you get the best heavy sleep? Does something have to be stolen for it to be good? I slept so deep last night that I felt like I had a huge mass that I had to move off of my chest before I could even begin to think about getting up.

I like sleep. I like beds and covers. I love JB. All of those things being considered, I'm still pretty irritated that he somehow Rubiks cubed his way into owning all of the flat sheet, so that I had only the comforter to protect me from the world, and the flat sheet was halfway down the bed, and you know that my OCD poked me in the back to wake me up and tell that the bed was irreparably damaged and that no more sleeping could occur until it was fixed. Which it couldn't be because when JB sleeps he gains about 300 pounds and becomes an immovable mass of human muscle, bone, and flesh. However, with a little maneuvering, I was able to get part of the sheet back. It's only a small battle in a big war.

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