Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A nip at my toes

Today I went to the ole Barnes and Noble, to spend the awesome gift cards that I received for my birthday. I was in the mood to spend some money, and had none, other than these fabulous plastic passes to bookworm paradise. Long story short, I bought 5 books for sixty dollars. I'm set for 2, maybe 3 months, depending on my school and work schedule.

Even earlier today, I stopped somewhere else to get little birthday details for JB. While I was out, I came across a little cross-stitch kit that I thought my mom would love. I bought it without a second thought, though now it occurs to me that I haven't cross-stitched in over a year.

Even earlier than that today, I was cold and stopped to consider if flip flops were the best footwear option for work today. I left them as they were on my feet, but ending up turning on my little portable heater at work for most of the morning. I just need to find some real shoes. I'm sure I still have some, somewhere.

Arizona winter is on it's way, and subconsciously I'm preparing for warmer clothes and inside activities.

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